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BHAİ DMC 09 TRAVEL Türsab No: 14003

The Temple of Dea Roma and Julius Caesar

The temple of dea roma and julius caesar in Ephesus

Emperor Augustus permitted the non-Roman citizens of the state to make an Augustus Cult. The cult for the Bithynia State was in Nicomedia and for the Asia State in Pergamon. Other than these two cults for the adoptive father Augustus, Divius Julius Caesar who was announced god by the Senate, and Dea Roma were built in Nicaea and Ephesus for the Roman citizens.

the temple of julius ceaser in ephesus 3d

These two temples were built right next to the Odeion (4-14 A.D.) On their east sides, they have four columns each. Later, different buildings for different purposes were built in the same spots, so the Temples were completely destroyed. Today we can only see the marble podium and the walls which are only as high as the foundation.

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